Thursday, September 30, 2010


Alright where to start? Okay let's start off with the fact that I am HORRIBLE with directions.  I get lost going everywhere!! You can ask any of my friends they are all a witness... if i drive with people somewhere and they don't know where to go i almost think that i remember something and tell them where to go and get SO LOST! but... that's not the point. I started off to my trip to Spring Arbor, i don't have a GPS or anything so my parents were kind of worried because it about a two hour drive. With traffic and a bunch of detours that I had to take it ended up taking me a little under three hours. I WAS SUPRISED I MADE IT!

I met up with Emily at the McDonald's across the street and she showed me where to park and got my junk to her dorm:) I met her roomate Margaret, SHE'S SO GREAT! I am so happy that she lives with Margaret, they couldn't have picked a better roomie for her:) After that we were kind of hungry so we went to this place called Finley's restaurant. The whole time we were looking around and couldn't decide if it was a classy restaurant or a family restaurant? The menu was like a home diner but then they sold beer and wine and stuff like that. And then some people were dressed nice and others were in like jeans and a t-shirt... so we came up with the slogan "here at Finley's it's all about class" haha yeah they need to either go up or down. A little too inbetween. After we were done eating we continued our adventure to Meijer! We shopped for a little over an hour, got all the stuff that Emily needed for her dorm, went to pay and THERE WAS NO MONEY LEFT ON HER CARD! she forgot that it took a day to go through and she wouldn't have money til the next day so all of that shopping time went to waste.

Then we got back to the school and we decided to have a photo tour around campus! we went around taking pictures of some random things... Then she showed me the oak tree! its this enormous oak tree in front of her dorm and we wanted to take a picture by it... So we go up to the tree and em says "hey mar, let's pretend like we are climbing the tree!" i think it a great idea... Margaret goes to take a picture and just as the first flash flashes (it flashes twice) i jump up i the air pretending to be hugging the tree in the air... i jump up and the bark breaks out from under my hand and i fall straight back out of the tree... it wasn't too bad, it hurt but nothing major.  UNTIL a few minutes later i went to check my phone and the screen was wrecked on the inside and out! it was aweful.

After we were done with that we decided to meet up with some of her friends that were in her core. There was about 8 or so people in this little dorm room but it was pretty fun. Levi is in Emily's core. He is super funny! They all call him a "beach boy" or something like that because he is a lifeguard and stuff like that but he is really fun to hang out with. We were also with his sister Andra, Margaret, Erica, Garrett, Jordan, Claire, and a couple other people but i didnt get to know them as well. We ended up playing ten fingers and had to try to think of origional things because we were all trying to get to know eachother better. A little while after we couldn't think of stuff to say anymore we all decided to go to McDonald's. The lobby closes at 11 so after that we are allowed to walk through the drive through! So we waited until about 11:25 then walked through the drive through! What a thrill haha.

Coming back from McDonlads I ended up seeing one of my friends Jeremy Shankle who is best friends with one of my really good friends:) It was good to see him we got to talk flr a little bit and I got to meet his girl friend... She seems really nice! I guess someone had stolen her twilight posters and they had some big shaving cream fight or something like that, sounded pretty funny. haha

We went back to the boys dorm after that, U-hall. It's the new dorm on campus so the guys who live there are all really proud about living there haha they even made up a song called "u-hall is legit" hahaha. We got there and found a game sitting by the couch called boxers or breifs... It's kind of like apples to apples only not as good haha. We played that for a little while until we decided that it was a waste of time and some kid came in with a flash light... He comes in and they were all like "dude! were you just star tipping?" (also called star tripping but i like tipping better it makes me think of cow tipping lol) And he was like "yeah wanna go?" So we all go "star tipping"... we go outside, ps. its like 1:30 in the morning, and what you do, since its dark, is you stare up at like a star or the moon and spin around ten time while still looking at the moon. One you finish spinning someone stops you and shins a flashlight in your face... then out of nowhere you fall over without control. This was probably the best thing about my stay. SO FUNNY! watching people spin around then just fall over. I fell and like rolled our in a backwards somersault hahait was so fun though!

We got up for church the next morning. It was a pretty good service. We went and ate in the lounge after. Food wasn't very good:( oh well. When we were done with that we wanted to watch a movie so we borrowed ps. i love you from one of her friends and we went to the lounge but we saw that another core had reserved it for 2:00 and it was already 1:45 so we just waited til they got there to see what they were watching. They didn't have any movie planned and the boys voted no on ps. i love you so we ended up watching Nick and Nora's Infinate Playlist. I wasn't really a fan but whatever not that big or a deal.  Then we ate dinner. When we were done with that we just went back to her dorm and chilled for a little bit and i got a call from my parents and they wanted me to come home earlier so i didn't have to drive too late. Well I got directions off mapquest and headed out on my way. AHH!!! i ended up missing up one of my exits going south and I didn't realize it for awhile until i saw a water tower that said dundee on it. I was like "CRAP" so i called my dad and he was like get off now! so i got off just passed Ida in a little town called Petersville or something like that? Iwas just 2 miles from Ohio's border.  So I got off and it was pure cow town! there was no way on or off the interstate anywhere in sight! so i just kept driving hoping I would find something eventually. My dad was following me on his laptop telling me where to turn and what streets to take. After over 4 HOURS of being lost i finally found my way home:) i walk in the door and my dad was just like "you should probably get a GPS" haha so maybe someday soon i will invest in that:) who knows? But all in all I had a GREAT TIME! I loved being there it was so fun, I can't wait to go visit again!

Well that's all i have to say for now! Keep Following!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010



Patty's House!

This week me and my friend Mallory got the chance to sleep over our youth pastor's house! Adam silorey is the youth pastor at Christ the King Church. His wife Patty is one of the leaders. Now their son, who I am really good friends with, just went off to college in Ohio. Now this was okay until Adam got called to work in Mount Pleasant. That about four hours away from where we are so he lives up there during the week and just comes home on the weekend. Poor Patty is all alone so me and Mallory decided to stay there a week... well with me being in college and working it was pretty inconvenient to go a half an hour further from all of that and still get all of my homework done. So Mallory stayed there every night and i just went and stayed the night on Tuesday night. i ended up working on math homework the entire time i was there but it was still fun to get to see them both:) 

Now Mallory... She is pretty crazy haha. I absolutely love her! She is so hreat to get to hhang out with and I do every chance i get. We ended up staying up until one o'clock in the morning watching High School Musical 2???? IT WAS AWEFUL!!! haha but my favorite part of the emtire ordeal was the morning. Mallory got up before me and she went downstairs and started playing the piano. (ps she is amazing at the piano and singing!!!) anyways, she starts to sing "this is Mary's wake up song... this is Mary's wake up song... this is Mary's wake up so-oO-ONG!!!" haha it was so funny! she just kept going on and on but the funny part was that it sounded really good it just had really stupid words haha but hey, gotta love her:)

See you at the Pole!

Well this last week has been pretty cool. All across the world, last wednesday, was national see you at the pole day. What it is, is that Christian from all schools gather at the flag pole in the front of their school to worship and pray over their communities. Now, obviously I am not in high school anymore but I am a youth leader at my church. I work with mainly the middle schoolers, but I am still involved in the senior high as well.

What happened this week was we had a rally. Every night from monday through wednesday we met at a local gazebo in oxford. Every night there was a different worship band that came. Our church had our band play on monday night and Pastor Kevin from our church gave the message. I wasn't able to make it on monday night because I was working but I'm sure they did a great job. I went on Tuesday and Wednesday and they were both outstanding! I got so pumped up! last night Mr. Card who is the choir teacher and Oxford high school spoke. He is such an amazing guy! In my opinion he is doing an absolutely fabulous job with those kids. He is a living example in that school. Also, he does his own bible study once a week before school and anyone is welcome to come to it. I went to one of his bible studies when my friend Aaron got baptized and he did a really good job.

Now what the actual see you at the pole thing is, is this. On that wednesday, every year, all the kids get to go to their flag pole before school starts and truely stand up for what they believe in. It's not a protest or anything like that it is simply just a place for student who all share the same beliefs to all come together as one and unite in front of the school to get other students to notice.

I love this idea. I think taht it a great way for people, even if they are shy, to take a stand on their beliefs and show other kids in the school who walk past them as they get off the bus that THEY ARE A CHRISTIAN!!! And I think that it is truely amazing at the results that come of it:)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

About Me...

My name is Mary Beth Fix.

I am the third of six kids of Tim and Nancy Fix:)
I have an older sister Amy who is 20, an older brother Noah who is 19, a younger sister Rebecca (who is my best friend in the whole world!!!), 15, younger sister Jenny that is 12, and then the youngest Jonah who is 6. My dad owns his own construction company, Kingdom Building and Restoration. He is also a full time missionary and travels to Guatemala, on average, ten days out of every month. Hw also started his own non-profit organization called Hope for Tomorrow, which is how he helps spread the word on what he up to and help to raise support for the ministry. My mom works at a daycare near our house part-time. She is amazing and I don’t know what I would do without her. My family is a big part of my life because they are always there and support me in my decisions.

I currently attend Oakland University to obtain a degree in Elementary Education. Then when I finish that I plan to get my Master’s degree in Special Education. Right now I am in the connections program at OU where I am able to take classes with a small group of people who are in all of my classes with me who have the same major. I also someday hope to be a counselor for youth in a church setting. My youth pastor’s wife is one of the most inspirational women I have ever met and I hope that one day I could live up to what she is. She is such an awesome role model.

I love sports! I played softball and swam in high school. I also played on my church’s softball team for a couple years and I enjoy being able to play the sport outside of such a organized setting.

I just recently quit my job at Planet Kids Children’s Center. I love working with kids and it is my passion. The reason I quit was because I was offered a higher position at Lake Orion High School life guarding and teaching swim lessons for the Lake Orion Swim Academy. In addition to those over the summer I work up at a Christian youth camp in the Upper Peninsula where I am the head lifeguard.

I LOVE JESUS!!! I am a Christian and I would be nowhere today if it wasn’t for what Christ has blessed me with in my life and the support from my church. My life is completely devoted to living for Him and I truly believe that he sent me here for a purpose in which I plan to fulfill.

I have some of the most amazing friends in the world! Through my youth group at my church I have truly met some extraordinary people that I honestly don’t think I would be the same without. Next to my sister Rebecca, Emily Miller is my best friend in the entire world! She is an absolutely amazing person that I would trust with everything and anything. She, unfortunately for me, just started school Spring Arbor University. Which is awesome for her, so as much as I miss seeing her I will just have to settle with Skype and texting.

My favorite color is also orange. I love people. I have braces. I love T-shirts, most of which come from Salvation army and Goodwill. All in all i am an extremely easy going person and I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for my life. J


This blog is simply a way for me to inform all of you what is goin on in my life so it will be more of an online journal:) i hope you enjoy it!