Thursday, September 23, 2010

See you at the Pole!

Well this last week has been pretty cool. All across the world, last wednesday, was national see you at the pole day. What it is, is that Christian from all schools gather at the flag pole in the front of their school to worship and pray over their communities. Now, obviously I am not in high school anymore but I am a youth leader at my church. I work with mainly the middle schoolers, but I am still involved in the senior high as well.

What happened this week was we had a rally. Every night from monday through wednesday we met at a local gazebo in oxford. Every night there was a different worship band that came. Our church had our band play on monday night and Pastor Kevin from our church gave the message. I wasn't able to make it on monday night because I was working but I'm sure they did a great job. I went on Tuesday and Wednesday and they were both outstanding! I got so pumped up! last night Mr. Card who is the choir teacher and Oxford high school spoke. He is such an amazing guy! In my opinion he is doing an absolutely fabulous job with those kids. He is a living example in that school. Also, he does his own bible study once a week before school and anyone is welcome to come to it. I went to one of his bible studies when my friend Aaron got baptized and he did a really good job.

Now what the actual see you at the pole thing is, is this. On that wednesday, every year, all the kids get to go to their flag pole before school starts and truely stand up for what they believe in. It's not a protest or anything like that it is simply just a place for student who all share the same beliefs to all come together as one and unite in front of the school to get other students to notice.

I love this idea. I think taht it a great way for people, even if they are shy, to take a stand on their beliefs and show other kids in the school who walk past them as they get off the bus that THEY ARE A CHRISTIAN!!! And I think that it is truely amazing at the results that come of it:)

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